Monday 17 January 2011

Thoughts on the Plot is Gameplay's Bitch Redisign?

Yeah, that's it really. I'm still bummed out I started this thing in blogger rather than wordpress, and more bummed out that the old template I was using didn't support increased page width meaning all these wordy posts I turn out were looking even wordier.

Is black really slimming? Or does it make you sad inside? Please let me know, because I'm rubbish at visual design.

Thanks for reading, here's a simply lovely video review for your trouble (you won't regret the click).


  1. Well, in the RSS-feed, none of that matters. I like black webpages, reminds me of the late 90's and websites such as maddox best page in the universe and original hip hop lyrics archive.

  2. It's better than the poison ivy green, but the sassy black and amber theme makes me think I'm reading a site about Deus Ex: Human Revulsion.

  3. I miss the modest optimism that hung beneath your charmingly bleak banner. I think I just prefer lighter palettes on webpages, they don't make me feel like I'm battling my way toward the surface of a crumbling coal mine. I don't really know where that came from.

  4. I like the black, also, Best. Review. Ever.

    Thanks for the link.

  5. I have no problem with the redesign. Black and orange are great together. And that banner's new right? All seems fine.

  6. I do think maybe the black and orange is a bit teenage crisis. Or a bit coal mine ;-) Black maybe not the most uplifting either.

    Maybe there's something more distinguished I can shoot for...

  7. So, is this in any way better?
