Monday 9 July 2012

ir/rational Walkthrough

The much requested walkthrough for ir/rational. I'm glad enough people are playing it to highlight how all over the place the difficulty curve is!

I've also included the logical symbol form of each argument (however you may find mistakes and changes here and there in those - they're just from my notes).

Level II

1. I would like the lights to come on
2. IF I would like the lights to come on THEN I should press the switch
3. THEREFORE I should press the switch

B implies A

Level III
1. Many people believe that a perfect God exists
2. IF many people believe that a perfect God exists AND that belief is not in error THEN a perfect God exists
3. IF a perfect God exists THEN he would not allow that belief to be in error
4. Assumption: A perfect God exists
5. THEREFORE The belief is not in error
6. THEREFORE Many people believe that a perfect God exists AND that belief is not in error
7. THEREFORE A perfect God exists

A n B > C
C > B
Assumption: C
Therefore B
Therefore A n B
Therefore C

Level IV
1. IF I am alive THEN I am breathing oxygen OR the laws of human biology have been broken
2. I am alive AND the laws of human biology haven’t been broken
3. THEREFORE I am breathing oxygen

A > C u B
A n ¬B
Therefore C

Level V
1. IF Jack OR Jill is ill THEN no one will fetch any water
2. IF Jill has eaten her Weetabix THEN she will not fall ill
3. No one has fetched any water
4. Jill has eaten her Weetabix
5. THEREFORE Jack is ill AND Jill is not ill

A u B > ¬C
D > ¬B
Therefore A

Level VI
1. IF the prime directive is to assess me AND The Machine always follows its prime directive THEN The Machine must assess me
2. IF The Machine releases me THEN it cannot assess me
3. The Machine always follows its prime directive
4. The prime directive is to assess me
5. THEREFORE The Machine must assess me
6. THEREFORE The Machine cannot release me

A n B > C        
D > ¬C             If The Machine releases me, then it cannot test me
A                      The Machine must follow its objective
B                      The prime directive is to assess me
Therefore C     The Machine must assess me
Therefore ¬D  The Machine cannot release me

Level VII
1. IF there is no evidence that video games are more dangerous than films THEN video games should be treated similarly to films
2. IF video games should be treated similarly to films THEN Australia is wrong to ban 18+ video games
3. IF (Oz Attorney General) Michael Atkinson parks in disabled spaces OR Australia is wrong to ban video games THEN he is a douche
4. There is no evidence that video games are more dangerous than films
5. THEREFORE video games should be treated similarly to film
6. THEREFORE Australia is wrong to ban 18+ rated games
7. THEREFORE Michael Atkinson is a douche

A > B
B > C
D u C > E
Therefore B
Therefore C
Therefore E

Level VIII
1. IF AND ONLY IF The Machine will kill me when it catches me AND there is a good chance I will be caught should I THEN not try to escape
2. EITHER I am an escape artist of worldwide renown OR there is a good chance I will be caught
3. I am not an escape artist of worldwide renown
4. THEREFORE there is a good chance I will be caught
5. IF The Machine kills me when it catches me THEN I will be a very sad bunny AND it will fail its mission to assess me
6. The Machine cannot fail in its mission
7. THEREFORE The Machine will not kill me if it catches me
8. THEREFORE I should try to escape

Level IX

1. IF The Machine has contradicted itself THEN The Machine is not perfect
2. The Machine thinks smugness is a red herring
3. The Machine thinks smugness is a relevant clue
4. IF The Machine thinks smugness is a relevant clue AND The Machine thinks smugness is a red herring THEN The Machine has contradicted itself
5. THEREFORE The Machine has contradicted itself
6. THEREFORE The Machine is not perfect

A > B
C n D > A

Level X

¬μ    = NOT μ
θ Λ Я = θ AND Я
Ω V ∏ = Ω OR ∏
╞ β   = THEREFORE β

M → (G → A)

╞ A

M Λ A → ¬E
╞ ¬E

O Λ V → ¬E V R
╞  O


  1. Level 7 is broken: the second pair of statements are clones of the first pair, so there's nothing mentioning Australia.
    Someone else complained Level 10 was broken too, I can't vouch for it yet.
    (Playing on Newgrounds)

    1. The problem is seen in the Chrome browser. Safari on the same computer works correctly.

      The problem is the list is actually populated correctly, but the browser doesn't show the whole list: the player has to use the arrow keys to scroll the list to revealing the bottom options.

      Level 7: On all pulldowns, only the first 7 options (including blank) are shown, the bottom 2 can't be seen.
      Level 10: the third pulldown only lists the first 5 (blank, A, not A, E, not E); the final option (O) can't be seen.

    2. The problem is also seen in the Firefox browser as well, and there are also points when scrolling through the options for one dropdown via the arrow keys that other dropdowns will scroll through as well without displaying all the options.

    3. For the Chrome on newgrounds list glitch for level 10, it can be fixed by opening the options for the last input then use the down key they fixing the others since chrome makes every option change.

  2. Hey, if you check the newgrounds description you should see the workaround for your issue!

  3. IF I enjoy the game AND I like puzzle games
    THEN the author is genius

    I did not enjoy the game
    I like puzzle games
    THEREFORE the author is not genius

    1. Unfortunately, that only works if the syllogism is phrased thusly:

      IFF (IF AND ONLY IF) I enjoy the game AND I like puzzle games
      THEN the author is genius

      I did not enjoy the game
      I like puzzle games
      THEREFORE the author is not genius

    2. If (and only if) the above commenter called out the one above him on logical syntax while sub-posting on a comment roll of an obscure blog's post about a broken flash game, shall we call him an ass-hat.

  4. Try:

    IF AND ONLY IF I enjoy the game AND I like puzzle games THEN the author is a genius

    I did not enjoy the game
    I like puzzle games
    THEREFORE the author is not a genius

    Although I'd replace 'I like puzzle games' with 'I am a good judge of puzzle games'.

    Glad you enjoyed it enough to comment, at least :-)

    1. IFF(if and only if) I enjoyed the game AND I am a good judge of puzzle games THEN the author is a genius

      I did enjoy the game (although it was my first time playing these types of games)
      I am a good judge of puzzle games
      THEREFORE the author is a genius

      IFF the game had several logic puzzles (is that what you call them?) AND amazing pictures AND unique sounds AND a great plot AND music that didn't get repetitive THEN the author is a genius

      The game had several logic puzzles
      The game had amazing pictures
      The game had unique sounds
      The game had a great plot
      The game had music that didn't get repetitive
      THEREFORE the author is a genius

      -Victor Smith
      (I'm to lazy to make an a account)

    2. I have to admit, I played this on NotDoppler and the photo of the game made it seem like a point and click escape game. Boy, was I wrong.

      Since it was the first time I played these games, I skipped the puzzle 4 and guessed on puzzle 10.

      Anyway, as you can tell by the above comment, I was really impressed by the game. You made several puzzles and combined that with a great plot and humor that combat's GLaDOS'. About that, I forgot to add another fact.

      The game had actually funny humor.

      -Victor Smith
      (I'm to lazy to make an account)

      P.S. Sorry for the typo in the above message (the extra a between an and account)

  5. Hmm, i was confused why the machine would kill me if it wanted to test me. Thus i played through a second time, and i think i know the reason.

    IF i have logical reasoning capabilities THEN i can think
    IF i can think THEN i am alive
    If the machine wants to test my logical reasoning capabilities THEN it wants me alive
    The machine's main objective is to test my logical reasoning capabilities
    If the machine cannot complete its main objective THEN it does NOT need me alive
    i have no desire to be alive
    IF i have a desire to be alive THEN survival is a concern of mine
    THEREFORE survival is NOT a concern of mine
    Survival is my main motivation to continue the tests
    THEREFORE i likely do NOT have motivation to continue the tests
    THEREFORE the machine cannot complete its main objective
    THEREFORE it does NOT need me alive

    Sorry if that was overly complex or doesn't make sense.

    1. Woops forgot to mention, i loved the game too, good job :D.

  6. The sudden silence at the end of "level 11"...does the player just not know what to do? As soon as my eyes would get blurred, I would pull the machine out of the hole and poke my hand inside it, because if I'm trapped in a room, I suffer starvation and thirst.

    1. I think outside the box and inside the box, risking less until there are only dire risks left
    2. IF (IF AND ONLY IF) I have nowhere to go AND I risk dying THEN I do what's in #1
    3. THEREFORE I __________
    4. A machine that spews text knows my knowledge and is from a hole in the wall
    5. IF the machine leaves a hole in the wall and was on the other side of the wall, THEN it must be glued to the wall
    6. IF I put my hand behind the machine into the hole, THEN I am taking a risk
    7. THEREFORE _______
    8. IF I follow everything else AND I did NOT accomplish anything THEN I will try to follow the paper that reads on the machine with paper from the machine itself
    9. THEREFORE I did NOT __________
    10. My main purpose is to escape
    11. If my soul does NOT escape from the room, THEN I will be a very sad bunny
    12. There are some easy ways to suicide in the room
    13. THEREFORE I ______

    I think outside and inside the box risking less until there are only the dire risks left
    I do NOT think outside and inside the box risking less until there are only the dire risks left
    I put my hand behind the machine into the hole
    I do NOT put my hand behind the machine into the hole
    Accomplish anything
    Accomplish NOThing
    I killed myself with suffocation, bad digestion, or body damage
    I did NOT kill myself with suffocation, bad digestion, or body damage
    'Enjoyed the game.

    1. Given:
      1. IF your soul can NOT escape the room THEN you are a sad bunny.
      2. The game does not allow you to commit suicide.
      3. The game does not allow your body to escape the room.

      1. IF you are a sad bunny THEN you did NOT enjoy the game.
      2. IF AND ONLY IF your body can escape the room OR you can commit suicide THEN your soul can escape the room

      1. IF you can NOT commit suicide AND your body can NOT escape from the room THEN you are a sad bunny.
      2. You are a sad bunny.
      3. You did not enjoy the game.

      What a convoluted way to leave a negative comment...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't understand the last step of problem 10.
    If (not E) or R, then O and V.

    We have (not E).

    So shouldn't it be O and V? Instead of just O?

    1. Because you can derive NOT E, NOT E OR R is true. Because O AND V is logically equivalent to NOT E OR R, O AND V is true. From the definition of AND, both O must be true and V must be true, so you can derive O by itself (you can also derive V, but that isn't an option).

      The rule can be written as A ^ B -> A

  9. line 5 on lvl9 is unnecessary, and it make confusion.

  10. Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments and feedback! I've had an unprecedented volume of mail sending good wishes, pointing out problems and requesting solutions, and I'm just not able to respond to every single request, but Id o read them and I do take them onboard, so thank you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I dont get the last puzzle
